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Know When It`s Over
Before I started Star Temple I was doing a lot of phone readings, and at one point working from a very small office at home that I shared with my wife. At times she couldn`t avoid coming in to get something from her desk, and after a year or so of hearing snippets from the calls, she realized that many consultations followed a familiar Christopher Odle, Star Temple
Quite a lot of clients call about relationships that have ended - as most of our clients are female, this means the readings often focus on a bloke that is no longer there. I remember one reading in particular that has always stuck in my mind. A lady rang up in distress as her husband of 20 years had just walked out after having breakfast.
There had been no arguments or signs of distress, and they had not had any major troubles previously in their marriage. During this period I was using a lot of astrology in my readings, and would draw up a chart for the time of the call. This I would use in conjunction with any psychic insights I might be given.
The astrology chart clearly showed, as much as any chart can, that the relationship was over, and that he would not be coming back. Although I was unsure about actually telling the client this, spirit prompted me to do so, and as I did, I explained to her, that as far as I could see, he would not be coming back, and that she would have to move forwards without him. Obviously this news did not go down well, and she put down the phone in a huff.
A year passed, and then out of the blue she rang again. She said that since speaking to me, she had had a reading with every other psychic in Prediction magazine. This must have been around 60-70 readers. All the other psychics had said that he would come back. He hadn`t, and she came back to me because I was the only one who had been accurate and told her the truth.
Sometimes we do pick up on what the clients want to hear, and this blocks us from seeing clearly. But at other times, readers are not honest with what they see. One of the main things I have learned after doing readings for nearly 30 years, is that if a relationship has ended, in more than 9 times out of 10, that`s it, it`s over, and he, or she, really isn`t coming back. I say this to try and help people to face the truth, rather than hold onto false hope, and all the pain and disappointment that goes with it.
1984-89, I worked at a psychic shop in central London, alongside many other readers. Sometimes, if one of the other readers was off sick, one of their regular clients would be re-assigned to me. One such lady came in, and said that her usual reader had told her that her partner would return last week, and he hadn`t done, and so she was coming back to find out why. I looked into the situation psychically, and felt the relationship was over, and I told her." But", she said "My other psychic has been telling me for 6 months that he`s coming back.he never does, so I keep having more readings to find out why"
This amazed me - here was a reader making predictions that never came true, yet his client kept returning!
We all hold onto the past in different ways. Sometimes this is preferable to facing the truth and going through the process of letting go and moving on. The ending of a relationship can be the most painful thing in our lives, because of all the emotion involved.
Much of the work we do as readers, is to help clients face up to reality and deal with the feelings that this brings up. Although it is difficult, at some point, we all have to take responsibility for our lives, and the power we have to create change.
It`s up to us - we can hold onto a lost love, or we can go through the grieving and clear the way for a new and more fruitful loving relationship to take its place. By looking at the types of people we are attracted to, and the patterns we have of relating to others, we can also begin to see that unconsciously or consciously, we create our lives. We happen to life, as much as life happens to us.
Once we realize that we are co-creators of our lives, we are free to let go of anything that no longer serves who we are and who we need to be. The past is just that, past. Life takes place now - nowhere else. So if you are holding onto an old love, ask yourself do you really want to continue with the pain and frustration.
You deserve to be happy - and the first step is to shut the door to the past and to move on. It takes courage, but the reward is freedom and the space for a new and more loving relationship to come your way. You create the world- it is only when we are able to let go of the past that we begin to truly live.
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