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Andrea - 7726
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I will tell it how it is, but in a caring way
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Love, relationships, work, family
Spirit Guides, Tarot Cards, Crystal Ball, Angelic realms, Angel Cards, Oracle Cards
Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Medium, Empath, Natural Healer and Psychic Artist
Gentle, uplifting and calming
As a naturally gifted psychic and medium Andrea has been developing her abilities since her early teens, when she became aware that she could help others. With her clairvoyant and clairsentient ability she can tune in to your present situation offering you guidance and clarity through your journey ahead. With many years experience of both face to face and telephone readings, specialising in emotional awareness, she will intuitively know where your needs lie. She will also use Tarot where she feels a more positive connection is needed. Andrea is also a natural healer, empath and psychic artist.
Originally from the North East of England, Andrea now lives in Bedfordshire with her husband, her children and her two dogs. With her down to earth approach to life she started using her natural psychic gifts when her mum passed away while she was in her early twenties. Since then she has developed her abilities to include healing and psychic art.
What do you most like about giving readings to Clear Psychics clients?
I feel that I am giving hope as well as help. I like being able to offer guidance through difficult or challenging times, or even just reassurance that that the client is doing the correct thing.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign Capricorn?
I would say I am very much so. As a Capricorn I prefer an organised and structured lifestyle; everything has its place. But at the same time I am decidedly down to earth, with a lot of practical skills. I am also very level headed - which has got me through some extremely difficult times in the past.
What would you say to someone who thinks they may have psychic ability?
They need to be patient most of all. It takes practise to develop your skills and to learn what works best for you.
Originally from the North East of England, Andrea now lives in Bedfordshire with her husband, her children and her two dogs. With her down to earth approach to life she started using her natural psychic gifts when her mum passed away while she was in her early twenties. Since then she has developed her abilities to include healing and psychic art.
What do you most like about giving readings to Clear Psychics clients?
I feel that I am giving hope as well as help. I like being able to offer guidance through difficult or challenging times, or even just reassurance that that the client is doing the correct thing.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign Capricorn?
I would say I am very much so. As a Capricorn I prefer an organised and structured lifestyle; everything has its place. But at the same time I am decidedly down to earth, with a lot of practical skills. I am also very level headed - which has got me through some extremely difficult times in the past.
What would you say to someone who thinks they may have psychic ability?
They need to be patient most of all. It takes practise to develop your skills and to learn what works best for you.
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