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Alison - 7659
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Life is for living and enjoying a challenge is an opportunity to be a better you.
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Love & relationships, family, career & work, destiny & life path, deceased loved ones
Works with Spirit guides
Spiritual Medium and Psychic, Life Coach and Healer
Compassionate and kind
Alison is a psychic medium, life coach and healer, combining these abilities with her warm and friendly approach. Alison provides guidance on life challenges, choices and decisions. Her readings help you to understand your life and emotions so you can feel empowered and uplifted.
What do you most like about giving readings to Clear Psychics clients?
I like helping clients with their life challenges, choices, and decisions through enabling them to hear their guidance from their soul and guides.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign Libra?
I have a balanced and calm outlook on life bringing strength and harmony to those around me.
What would you say to someone who thinks they may have psychic ability?
I would encourage them to explore it. There are many good books and courses available to develop their capabilities and to learn how to give a good reading. Increasingly courses are available on-line through Zoom making them more accessible to people. Many people use readings, such as they have just had, to check in with their guides and confirm they are going in the right direction.
What do you most like about giving readings to Clear Psychics clients?
I like helping clients with their life challenges, choices, and decisions through enabling them to hear their guidance from their soul and guides.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign Libra?
I have a balanced and calm outlook on life bringing strength and harmony to those around me.
What would you say to someone who thinks they may have psychic ability?
I would encourage them to explore it. There are many good books and courses available to develop their capabilities and to learn how to give a good reading. Increasingly courses are available on-line through Zoom making them more accessible to people. Many people use readings, such as they have just had, to check in with their guides and confirm they are going in the right direction.
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